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In der Liste der korsettspezifische Newsletter befinden sich derzeit 7 Einträge.

Absolute Corsets - Proudly offering the finest quality authentic Victorian corsets, leather corsets, bridal corsets, tight corsets, fetish corsets and corset dresses. Beautiful classic and custom corsets from corset designers around the world, who specialize in authentic traditional and modern corsetry. Low price guarantee , First class customer service and Secure shopping!

Sehr schöner, übersichtlich gestalteter Onlineshop - riesen große Auswahl

redvision - sex can be so simple redvision - sex can be so simple

Delicious Corsets was founded by Psydde Delicious and Amy Schmitz in 1995. Delicious is a graduate of Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science where he studied fashion and textile design. Schmitz, who also attended Philadelphia Textile, has been sewing and designing for over 15 years in both Philadelphia and San Francisco

Seit mehreren hundert Jahren (und nicht erst seit Moulin Rouge) begeistern Korsetts und Korsagen die Frauen- und erst Recht auch die Männerwelt! Warum ist das so? Worin liegt die geheime Wirkung der Korsetts verborgen? Was macht eine korsettierte Frau so besonders?

Puimond (en)
The design talent behind Puimond Progressive Corset Design is Puimond himself – perhaps one of the most meticulous, innovative, and charismatic personalities in the world of corsetry. Every Puimond corset is created out of his commitment to form-fitting design and uncompromising standards of quality.

Heißer Lesestoff! Ars Vivendi  - Erotische Mode, Literatur und Kunst Jetzt Erotik-Toys kaufen!

... is internationally acclaimed as the world's most distinguished custom corset purveyor, with over thirteen years' tradition and expertise in tight-lacing corset design and non-judgmental expert advice on waist training and the best style of corset for you, considering your investment goals

TO.mTO (de)
TO.mTO Berlin - Mode zwischen Fetisch und Fashion. Grenzgänger - zwischen Fetisch und Fashion!

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